Category: Development Board, TI MSP430 Microcontroller,
TI MSP430,
Keywords: Microcontroller, Development Board, Prototype Board, Low Power
16bit Microcontroller, Texas Instruments TI MSP430F
MSP430 Development Board
/ Prototype Board, MSP430 Board
full motherboard / prototype board for MSP430F1611
super thin board
all pins are all available on headers
high computing power
easy to use: just connect to power supply (+1.8 to +3.6V) and program device
runs with internal oscillator
prepared for equipment with 3 different crystals X1, X2, X3
JTAG header
board fits in 2.54mm pitch prototype PCB
device specific data (MSP430F1611)
8 MHz clock frequency
48 KB Flash
12-bit SAR ADC
other integrated peripherals
2x 12bit DAC, analog comparator, DMA, hardware multiplier, SVS
2x hardware SPI or UART, timer UART, hardware I2C